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Archive for May, 2021

Data Deduplication and Storage Talk Brews with Dell and CommVault

posted by Darren McLaws 12:29 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Dell is looking to beef up it’s storage features on its products and the debate is hot as to which company Dell should strive to acquire in an attempt to do this. A couple of different names fostering reputations in the storage department are CommVault, Acronis, BakBone and DataCore. All of these could offer Dell the benefit of owning a storage-focused software vendor. Dell hopes that an acquisition of this type is just what it needs to restore and maintain its growth that it has been historically known for.

As of now, CommVault seems to be in the forefront of the talk. Meanwhile, EMC and NetApp are engaged in a war in striving to obtain the data deduplication leader Data Domain. Because these, and many other competitors, seem to be gaining an edge on Dell, it is in their best interest to dive into their deep pockets and make a move such as the one they are trying for here with CommVault. There is an issue with the deal though that could potentially arise and that is in regards to the software required to run CommVault’s dedupe technology. It only works with CommVaults Simpana software. Also, if Dell were to purchase CommVault, it would likely hurt its relationship with Symantec. Severing these type of relationships in business can prove quite costly in the long run so Dell needs to be careful with its choice in the matter.

Another possible storage provider that Dell is looking into is a smaller company in San Diego called Bakbone. This would be an easier target to shoot at due to their size and could probably save some of the big relationship issues associated with acquiring CommVault. However, Dell has the money and a bigger buy out could be just what they need to climb out of the valley they’ve been in. At any rate, the debate continues and only time will tell what the honchos over at Dell will do.

For a more complete reading of the story, check out the article on Channel Web.

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